News and Resources
AIDS United Honors National Women’s Health Week
May 13, 2020
AIDS United joins organizations around the country to honor National Women’s Health Week. Observed from May 10-16, 2020, this week
Tremaine Jones is Creating Space for Black GBQ/SGL Men
May 12, 2020
Tremaine Jones is a project director with the Freedom Fund, a national organization dedicated to securing the release and safety of LGBTQ people
Notes from the Field: CrescentCare’s work to Support the New Orleans HIV Community Through the COVID-19 Crisis
May 11, 2020
Much like organizations across the country, the onset of COVID-19 turned everything “completely upside down” for the staff of CrescentCare
Sophia Kass is Empowering Other Trans Women of Color to Reclaim Power and Control Over Their Narratives
May 6, 2020
Sophia Kass, the program coordinator for Transgender Law Center’s Positively Trans+ initiative, is dedicated to breaking down barriers for transgender women of color
As Congress Debates Coming Back to DC, COVID-19 Funding Needs Abound
May 1, 2020
On Monday, May 4th, the Senate is scheduled to come back into session in Washington, DC as the city’s daily