Sunday, March 19 / Domingo, marzo 19
3-6 p.m. — Registration open / Registro de entrada
2nd floor lobby
4:30-5:30 p.m. — Listening Session: Older Adults Living with HIV / Sesión de escucha: Personas mayores con VIH
Studio C
The HIV/Aging listening session will be an opportunity to identify and share concerns of people who are aging with HIV regarding their health and well-being and their concerns about programs, services and policies that are needed to ensure that people who are aging with HIV can achieve and maintain optimal health and quality of life.
The primary intended audience is people living with HIV who are 50 years and older and HIV long-term survivors who are younger than 50. The intended audience includes people who were born with HIV. People who are allies of older adults living with HIV and long-term survivors are welcome to attend the session.
La sesión de escucha para personas mayores con VIH será una oportunidad para identificar y compartir las preocupaciones de estas personas con respecto a su salud y bienestar, así como sus inquietudes sobre los programas, servicios y políticas públicas que son necesarios para garantizar que puedan alcanzar y mantener una salud y calidad de vida óptimas.
El público objetivo principal son las personas con VIH que tienen de 50 años en adelante, y los sobrevivientes a largo plazo del VIH, menores de 50 años. El público destinatario incluye a las personas que nacieron con el VIH. También son bienvenidos a esta sesión los/las cuidadores/as de adultos mayores con VIH y de sobrevivientes a largo plazo.”
6-8 p.m. — AIDSWatch 30th Anniversary Reception / Recepción con motivo del 30° Aniversario de AIDSWatch
Grand Ballroom
Monday, March 20 / Lunes, marzo 20
7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. — Registration open / Registro de entrada
2nd floor lobby
7:30-9:30 a.m. — Breakfast / Desayuno
2nd floor lobby
9-11:30 a.m. — AIDSWatch plenary session / Plenaria de AIDSWatch
Grand Ballroom
11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. — Lunch and state meetings / Almuerzo y reuniones estatales
Grand Ballroom
1:20-4:45 p.m. — Advocacy training sessions / Talleres sobre defensoría
1:20-2:25 p.m.
- Youth in HIV Advocacy Studio B
- Black Greek organizations’ involvement in HIV advocacy Studio C
- Women in HIV Policy and Advocacy Studio D
- New Advocate Orientation Studio E
- Administrative Advocacy 101 Studio F
- HIV Policy in the South Grand Ballroom
- Respite Space Boardroom
2:40-3:40 p.m.
- U=U Plus Studio B
- Molecular HIV Surveillance Studio C
- Harm Reduction Advocacy Studio D
- Racial Justice Index Discussion Studio E
- Trans Health Studio F
- Respite Space Boardroom
3:45-4:45 p.m.
- Reproductive Health Care and Rights Studio B
- 50+/older adults/long-term survivors Studio C
- Immigration Policy Studio D
- MIPA: 40 year reflection on Denver Principles Studio E
- Melanated Movement — Past, Present and Future: Start Talking, Stop Stigma! Studio F
- Respite Space Boardroom
6-8 p.m. — AIDSWatch Congressional Reception / Recepción de AIDSWatch para las visitas legislativas
Rayburn House Office Building Gold Room
Tuesday, March 21 / Martes, marzo 21
7-7:30 a.m. — Board busses to Capitol Hill / Transporte en bus
Hotel lobby
8-8:45 a.m. — AIDSWatch Rally / Concentración de AIDSWatch
Capitol lawn / El jardín del Capitolio
9 a.m.-5 p.m. — Congressional meetings / Reuniones legislativas
Individual schedules will vary / Los programas individuales pueden variar
For any issues with Hill meetings Tuesday, please contact Soapbox directly at (202) 362-5910.