Abstract submission

The AIDSWatch planning partners — AIDS United, the U.S. PLHIV Caucus and the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School — are issuing a call to community members to host workshops related to HIV policy during AIDSWatch 2024, coming up March 17-19, 2024. 

The theme of this year’s event is We’re in This Together!

People living with and vulnerable to HIV have multiple identities, which are interconnected, shared and currently under attack. We must work together, as all these needs need to be addressed in order to end the epidemic. 

These workshops will be held Monday, March 18, and will be hosted in-person at AIDSWatch 2024 at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel in Arlington, Virginia.

Each workshop will last approximately one hour.

The deadline to submit an abstract is Nov. 15, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST.  Notifications will be issued by the Dec. 1.  

Topic areas

The following are workshops focus areas connecting HIV and other policy areas. While this is not exhaustive, some examples of the intersections include:

Health and social issues 

 Which may include:

  • Reproductive health, rights, and justice.
  • LGBTQIA+ health, such as transgender rights and health.
  • Older people living with and aging with HIV, and long term survivors.
  • Access to health care.
  • Improving quality of life for people living with HIV.
  • Decriminalization and molecular HIV surveillance. 

The political landscape  

Which may include:

  • Federal appropriations.
  • Emerging legislative threats.


Which may include:

  • Sex worker rights.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Harm reduction.
  • The intersection of HIV and other disease prevention.

Civil and human rights  

Which may include: 

  • Voter engagement and organizing.
  • Housing.
  • Religion.
  • Protections against discrimination.
  • Racial justice, race and racism.
  • Immigration.
  • HIV in American Indian and Alaskan Native communities.

Empowerment, engagement and education

Which may include:

  • Adapting lessons learned at the federal level to state and local advocacy.
  • Women in HIV policy and advocacy.
  • Youth in HIV policy and advocacy.
  • HIV policy in the South.
  • Policy priorities agenda-setting for impacted community (please share who you seek to gather).

What’s missing from the conversation?

  • What aren’t we talking about?


The abstract form, linked below, has a few short sections for the planning partners to learn about the proposed workshop. Please answer all the required questions.

Workshops are limited to four presenters maximum.

Meaningful involvement and leadership by people living with HIV will be considered in the selection process.

All abstracts must be structured to fit within the provided fields in the form linked below, additional text or supplemental materials will not be considered.

Proposals constituting a promotional or sales pitch for products, services, organizations or campaigns will not be considered.

The lead presenter/submitting party will receive a confirmation email if your abstract is processed successfully. Be sure to check your spam folder. If you do not receive a confirmation, your abstract submission was not successful.

Successful submission of an abstract does not mean you have been accepted to present. All session proposal leads will receive notice of their acceptance or declination by Dec. 1

AIDSWatch registration

If you are submitting an abstract, please wait to register (and pay) until you are informed about the status of your submission.

You are not required to register before submitting an abstract.

If your submission is accepted, you will be given one free registration per workshop. If you have any questions or concerns, please email aidswatch@aidsunited.org.

The email you use to register for AIDSWatch must be the same email you use to submit an abstract.

Submit abstract