AIDS United is proud to join advocates and organizations in marking Zero HIV Stigma Day 2023. HIV stigma and criminalization only heighten barriers to our work to end the HIV epidemic by preventing too many from accessing prevention and treatment.
#ZeroHIVStigmaDay was started by the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care and NAZ in collaboration with the Global HIV Collaborative and Fast-Track Cities Institute to raise awareness about the far-reaching consequences of HIV-related stigma. By shedding light on this issue, the day helps our year-round work to dismantle barriers to care and support while fostering empathy and compassion for those of us living with HIV.
So, how can you help?
Have conversations
Today is a chance to spark conversations about the deadly impacts of HIV stigma on our communities in health care settings, with policymakers, and in our own communities. When we start to share our stories, we put a face on HIV. We as HIV advocates know that sharing our stories is one of the most powerful forms of advocacy and what helps us achieve the resources, policies and programs necessary to end the HIV epidemic together.
Share resources
Sometimes the hardest part of seeking access to HIV prevention and treatment is knowing where to turn. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Stop HIV Together campaign has all you need on testing and treatment — including free, at-home testing kits you can order online.
Dispelling stigma and misinformation is a key part of our work to end the HIV epidemic. As we mark Zero HIV Stigma Day, we remain committed to challenging HIV stigma in all its forms and promoting education, awareness and acceptance.
We know that ending the HIV epidemic is more than just securing medical and political interventions; it’s also about treating those of us living with HIV with the rights and dignity we deserve. Our commitment to ending the HIV epidemic requires all of us to combat stigma with compassion and build a more inclusive future for all that centers those of us most impacted by HIV.
Together, we can create a stigma-free world and move closer to a world without new HIV diagnoses.