AIDS United University: Building Equity Serving BIPOC LGBTQ+ Communities Training Series

AIDS United is launching a new series in AIDS United University, a resource for online, self-directed learning: “Building Equity Serving BIPOC LGBTQ+ Communities.” This new course is free of charge and an excellent opportunity for medical professionals (especially in clinic settings) to broaden their skills and see where they can grow when it comes to caring for these historically under served communities.

The series is split into three distinct courses:

  • “The Current State of Health Equity for HIV and Syndemics: What You Should Know”
  • “Becoming a Culturally Humble Health Care Provider: Turning Theory into Practice”
  • “Improving Health Outcomes through Meaningful Involvement of the LGBTQ+ Community”

In the first course, students receive an overview of key concepts and data related to health inequities affecting BIPOC LGBTQ+ communities. It covers topics such as HIV, syndemics, social determinants of health and health disparities. Videos, quizzes and virtual discussion boards are used to reinforce learning and encourage reflection.

“Becoming a Culturally Humble Health Care Provider: Turning Theory into Practice” aims to enhance adoption of cultural humility among health care professionals. It explores the importance of culture, cultural competency, power and personal identity in health care interactions. Learners will engage in activities and scenarios to reflect on their own biases and privilege, as well as learn strategies for applying cultural humility in patient interactions.

The third course, “Improving Health Outcomes through Meaningful Involvement of the LGBTQ+ Community,” focuses on the significance of involving the community in health care. It examines strategies for meaningful engagement and utilizes reflective exercises to support health care providers in identifying ways to meaningfully involve the community.

Upon completion of the courses, learners will receive a certificate to validate their participation and successful completion of the training. This certificate can be used to demonstrate their commitment to providing culturally competent care to and improving health equity for BIPOC LGBTQ+ communities.

Overall, this comprehensive training series equips health care workers and providers with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver culturally competent care to BIPOC LGBTQ+ communities. It addresses health inequities, cultural humility and community involvement, which in turn can improve health outcomes for these populations. With detailed video and community discussions, theory can become practice and in turn will serve to help reduce HIV in vulnerable communities.

To get started, visit the AIDS United University homepage. Email us with any questions.
