Creating Trans-Affirming Services and Grant Initiatives

Many organizations that work in HIV want to serve transgender communities. But often, health care providers, social service providers, and funders are not sure how to turn their good intentions into concrete action. This webinar is intended for staff who want to better serve people who are transgender and gender-expansive in our communities.

In December 2016, AIDS United convened a Think Tank of transgender leaders from throughout the United States to discuss barriers and opportunities for HIV care and prevention among transgender communities. The leaders and HIV experts who attended the meeting crafted a series of recommendations for clinical providers, funders, and social service providers.

Panelists in this webinar will explore the importance of the resulting consensus statement, the process that lead up to it, and the most important take-aways for clinical providers, funders, and social service providers that may be serving or looking to begin serving transgender communities.

Using a social justice framework and drawing on the expertise of transgender leaders in HIV, this webinar will present practical ways to make your organization trans-affirming. Speakers will provide concrete steps that health care providers, social service organizations, and funders can take to provide the best support possible for transgender communities. Participants will gain an understanding of the next steps to becoming a more trans-affirming organization.


  • Diana Feliz Oliva (St. John’s Well Child & Family Center)
  • Morey Riordan (Riordan Strategies)
  • Shannon Wyss (AIDS United)

Download the slides here.

Download the Consensus Statement, Stepping Up: Best Practices in Providing HIV Medical Care, Support Services, and Funding to Trans Communities
