Fall AIDSWatch 2021: What to expect and how to get involved

A promise is a promise. Last year, at the first-ever virtual AIDSWatch, we promised to keep the momentum on federal grassroots HIV advocacy, COVID-19 responses and health care reform.

Join us on Sept. 27 and 28 as we fulfill that promise with Fall AIDSWatch 2021.

This AIDSWatch event will be focus on four major policy topics:

  • Quality of life.
  • Health care access expansion.
  • Civil rights and justice.
  • Voting.

As always, we welcome prominent advocates and leaders who will guide us as we strategize to end the U.S. HIV epidemic and connect with each other.

To kick off the conference on Monday, Sept. 27, Harold Phillips, director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, will discuss new epidemic end-date modeling and give an update on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Following Phillips, the US People Living with HIV Caucus will host a panel centered around quality of life for people living with and affected by HIV. This panel will not only define the quality of life for people living with and impacted by HIV but will educate advocates on how to best integrate these important issues into their everyday advocacy.

Following the discussion on quality of life, our opening panel session will be on health care expansion and access. This intimate panel will include Christina Adeleke from North Carolina AIDS Action Network and Moises Agosto from the Federal AIDS Policy Partnership HIV Aging Group role, among others to be confirmed. This portion of AIDSWatch will cover current health care policies as well as health care reform on the horizon so that activists can be aware.

We’ll start day two of AIDSWatch with a panel on civil rights and justice, moderated by Maryanne Tomazic, clinical fellow at the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School. This panel will focus on how securing civil rights, including immigration, sex workers’ rights, LGBTQ+ rights, HIV decriminalization and nondiscrimination in health care can improve quality of life for people living with and impacted by HIV.

Our session on voting will focus on recent attempts to restrict voting access and what we can do as HIV advocates to ensure everyone has a voice. This segment will focus on racial disparities, as well as how voting directly relates to the health care services you receive.

To wrap up the inspiring two days of community, education and compassion, members of the AIDSWatch planning partners will have opportunities for participants to get virtually involved in this important advocacy.

Help us strategize the most effective way to raise HIV awareness, reinvent health care policies and encourage intersectional activism in our advocacy.

Register now to engage in this two-day, virtual AIDSWatch event and learn more about AIDSWatch. With your help, your stories and your passion we can end the domestic HIV epidemic.
