The Present & Future of Public Charge for Immigrants Living With HIV

With the release of their notice of proposed rulemaking concerning Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds last fall, the Trump administration formally signaled their intent to discourage millions of immigrants from utilizing government assistance programs. This proposed rule would create a financial and medical litmus test for all immigrants coming to the United States, imposing a de facto ban on people living with HIV from immigrating to the United States and attempting to deter immigrants already living in the U.S. from seeking public assistance, including health care.

Many HIV service providers are already seeing the chilling effect of the proposed rule and are looking for ways to support clients who are immigrants and living with HIV to access services without jeopardizing their ability to remain in the US. In the webinar, AIDS United will examine what the proposed public charge rule will mean for immigrants living with HIV. Webinar participants will learn recommendations for providing services and protecting the health wellbeing of their clients.

The webinar features presenters from AIDS United, Positive Women’s Network-USA, and the National Immigration Law Center.

Download the slides here.
