Trauma-Informed Care: Improving Services, Saving Lives

Innovative, culturally relevant, and comprehensive approaches and interventions that effectively address the effects of violence and abuse on the lives of people living with HIV are an integral component of HIV health care and social service provision.

The development and maintenance of a trauma-informed care setting is an ongoing and dynamic endeavor. There is no one-size-fits-all model of trauma-informed care. As such, an organization must tailor its efforts to develop a model of trauma-informed care that is mission-driven and effective.

This resource from AIDS United and Christie’s Place outlines how to develop a trauma-informed care program, tailored to fit your organizational goals. Examples of challenges, successes, and lessons learned that Christie’s Place experienced will be described along with illustrative case studies and accounts from Christie’s Place staff.

  • Trauma-Informed Care: Improving Services, Saving Lives – Download.