Votes to Preserve Health Care Coverage Deserve Applause

Activists Must Continue to Resist, Persist

On behalf of people living with and at risk for HIV and other STDS and the millions of other men, women and children who rely on access to high-quality, affordable health care to live the lives they deserve, we applaud the U.S. Senate vote to defeat the dangerous and misguided efforts to damage and destroy the Affordable Care Act.

We especially thank the 51 Senators – including Senators Collins, McCain and Murkowski – who stood up to enormous political pressure to put a halt to these attacks. By standing up for what is right they have helped to save and preserve the lives of many, many Americans.

None of this would have been possible without the work of the millions of activists across the nation who stood up, spoke out and persisted throughout these past six months. By sharing their stories and their passion they turned a political debate into one about equity and respect.

Sadly, we know that the attacks on the ACA and other very important health programs will continue and so will our work to defeat them. Now is the time for leaders from both political parties to listen to the voices of the people and work together to improve, not tear down, the laws and programs that help all of us, based on health as a human right not a privilege.

AIDS United (AU), NASTAD, the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD), NMAC, and The AIDS Institute (TAI) are national non-partisan, non-profit organizations focused on ending HIV in the U.S. They have been working in partnership to identify and share resources to sustain successes and progress we have made in HIV and STD prevention, care and treatment in the United States. 
