The federal government plays a significant role in efforts to end the HIV epidemic. There are several federal programs that, with adequate funding, could put us much closer to achieving that goal.
Members of Congress are currently negotiating spending bills for the 2023 fiscal year. These bills contain funding for some of the most vital HIV-related programs. These programs provide critical medical and support services to people living with and vulnerable to HIV.
We are calling on Congress to budget:
— $2.942 billion for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.
— $600 million for the Housing Opportunities for People With AIDS Program.
— $610 million across multiple programs at the Minority AIDS Initiative.
— $43 million for the Opioid-Related Infectious Diseases Program within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
— $30 million for a National PrEP Program.
We have fought for years for these programs, and we are once again fighting for the life-saving funding these programs need.
Your members of Congress need to hear from you. Fill out the form below to urge them to fully fund the programs serving people living with and vulnerable to HIV.