We need your help.
We all know that we cannot end the HIV epidemic without ensuring that all people living with HIV have access to stable, affordable housing. Unfortunately, it seems that the Biden administration forgot this fact when they were writing their proposed fiscal year 2023 budget as it would drastically underfund the Housing Opportunities for People With AIDS program. As the only dedicated source of housing funds for people living with HIV, it is essential that we provide the HOPWA program with as much support as possible.
Congress has the option to ensure that this program does not continue to go underfunded through the appropriations process. Help us let them know that housing assistance is HIV care and prevention.
We are asking that Congress fund the HOPWA program at $600 million in 2023.
Research has shown that housing is the greatest unmet service need for people living with HIV — and the HOPWA program is the only federal funding dedicated to directly addressing this need. Made painfully clear by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent, widespread housing instability, the relationship between housing and health must inform the ways our nation invests in health initiatives.
30% of people living with HIV are in need of financial assistance when it comes to housing. However, the funding levels proposed by the Biden administration will only be able to serve 10% of those who need housing assistance, which will only extend already yearslong waiting lists, stigma and federal restrictions that limit people living with HIV from accessing housing in their most vulnerable states.
We need Congress to support people living with HIV and fund HOPWA at $600 million. Help us by reaching out to your member of Congress today.