Integrated Community Response Necessary to Address the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence and Women

Release of report from AIDS United’s Technical Summit on Women, HIV and Violence suggests strategic advocacy plan, scaling of best practices to address intersecting issues

Washington, D.C. – May 22, 2014 — A report released today from AIDS United about the outcomes of its February 2014 Technical Summit on Women, HIV, and Violence urges a two-pronged strategy to develop “best practices” to serve women at-risk for and living with HIV who have experienced violence, which includes:

  • A strategic advocacy plan for better coordination and resourcing of best practices at federal and state levels; and
  • Scaling best practices in localities, which will require dissemination of key evidence, mentoring, and the sharing of successful strategies.

AIDS United’s Technical Summit on Women, HIV and Violence convened an interdisciplinary group of activists, thought leaders, academics and federal partners to complement this report and develop innovative community-driven advocacy and implementation strategies to address this critical intersection.. Summit participants developed action plans focused on three specific recommendations provided by the Interagency Working Group report. The outcomes of the Summit, including community action plans and recommendations, are available in AIDS United report’s here.

“The work of the President’s Federal Interagency Working Group on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence against Women and Girls, and Gender-Related Health Disparities has been pivotal in shining a light on relationship of all of these factors,” said Michael Kaplan, President and CEO of AIDS United. “Now we must come together as a community to develop our advocacy strategies and identify and scale-up best practices in our communities to break the cycle of violence against women that has a detrimental impact on HIV prevention and accessing care. This Summit presented a strategic, yet utterly inspiring opportunity for federal agencies, community advocates, and academics to come together and move closer toward an AIDS-free generation for women in the United States.”
