Is It Time to Close?

For over 25 years, Metro TeenAIDS provided high quality HIV prevention and related services for youth in Washington, DC. Metro TeenAIDS prided itself on its outstanding and fundable programs and services as well as their ability to anticipate change, prepare for it, and stay a step ahead of the curve. But sometimes, no matter how much an organization tries to diversify funding or stay nimble when faced with challenges or changes, its leaders can no longer guarantee a financially solvent future. In 2015, Metro TeenAIDS leadership went through a difficult and emotional process to decide how best to serve out their mission in the long run. The ultimate decision – to join forces with a community healthcare provider – was not made lightly.

This resource shares valuable lessons learned from Metro TeenAIDS that may be helpful to you, as you consider difficult decisions about your own organization’s future.

  • Is It Time to Close?

    One HIV/AIDS organization’s experience making the difficult and emotional decision to close. Download this free resource from AIDS United!

    Download - Is It Time to Close?

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