New funding opportunity: Using Innovative Intervention Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes among People with HIV (2iS)

The Health Resources and Services Administration’s HIV/AIDS Bureau released funding to support a new initiative entitled “Using Innovative Intervention Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes among People with HIV (2iS).” The Fenway Institute, in partnership with AIDS United, will serve as the Coordinating Center for Technical Assistance for this initiative. 

The goal of the 2iS initiative is:

  • To apply the HRSA HAB implementation science framework to identify innovative intervention strategies.
  • Pilot test the intervention strategies at up to 20 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded recipient organizations.
  • Provide technical assistance to support implementation at the sites.
  • Develop accessible dissemination products to promote the replication and scale-up of successful intervention strategies in the RWHAP and other HIV service organizations nationally. 

The intervention strategies will focus on four areas: people with substance use disorders; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and all sexual and gender minority youth; people who are or have been justice-involved; and using telehealth services for people with HIV.

Maximum annual awards will be $190,000 over three years: three months for a formative (or program start-up) phase and up to 33 months for the client enrollment, implementation, and closeout phases. Award amounts may vary based on type of intervention but will not exceed the maximum. Ongoing funding is based on successful achievement of stated goals and subject to future funds appropriated by Congress and awarded from HRSA to the CCTA.

Eligibility criteria 

Sites must be currently funded RWHAP recipients or sub-recipients providing direct services, including sites providing core medical services and/or support services directly to clients.

In addition, eligible sites:

  • Must not currently be implementing the same or a similar intervention strategy as the one selected under this RFP for funding.
  • Must have an in-house Outpatient Ambulatory Health Services or demonstrate via Memorandum of Understanding a pre-existing relationship with an OAHS site that will be able to collect and report client medical record data, including demographic characteristics, dates of primary HIV care visits, prescription of ART, and dates and results of viral load tests.

The full RFP text, including information on each intervention strategy, can be accessed here.

Completed RFPs must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. EST on Jan. 14, 2022 in the AIDS United grantee portal. Access the grantee portal and applicant guidance here.

On Dec. 9, AIDS United convened an optional webinar to provide clarification about the RFP and essential application submission tips. To view a recording of this webinar, visit the AIDS United YouTube page.

Update, Feb. 7:

The deadline for this funding opportunity has been extended. The new deadline is 6 p.m. EST on March 11, 2022. A new RFP has been created.
