Seeking community input from our partners in the Midwest

Over the last year, AIDS United has brought together organizations across the Midwest to discuss harm reduction philosophy, current strategies, best practices and insights on the impacts of COVID-19 in the region at our Midwest Syringe Services Program Virtual Institutes.

During these events, institute attendees discussed a range of topics — from engagement with faith-based communities to the politics of safer supply to leadership development and succession planning — related to strengthening syringe services programs and harm reduction efforts.

We would love to hear how we can continue to create and elevate events that are meaningful and meet the needs of our partners and programs in the region.

And for that, we need your help.

Please take a moment to fill out this Google form and let us know what topics you would like to see from us as we develop future programming and events on syringe services programs and harm reduction.

Also, we are inviting staff and advocates from health departments, community-based organizations, and independent advocacy and consulting spaces to speak at our next Midwest Syringe Services Programs: Virtual Institute, which will be held Nov. 8-9, 2021.

If you’re interested, please fill out this Google form, and let us know what topic you would like to present on. There is space for both full presentations and panel conversations at the upcoming institute. Presenter/panelist proposals will be accepted until June 25, 2021 at 5 p.m. EDT.

Our hope is to create space and opportunity for organizations and community members engaging in this work to discuss their programs, harm reduction work, and the continued impact of the global pandemic. Our work is best when it’s done in collaboration, together, to serve our communities.

Please reach out to the AIDS United Midwest Capacity Building Assistance Team at with any questions, concerns or technical assistance needs.
