Why, as we make extraordinary progress in the fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality, are we still dealing with staggering rates of HIV? Misinformation, persistent stigma and societal barriers such as discrimination and poverty are some of the main causes. Additionally, many people simply don’t know how much we’ve learned since HIV first appeared 35 years ago. In Part One, we provide a simple, yet comprehensive, overview of HIV and the ways it’s transmitted. In Part Two, we focus on HIV testing and the importance of knowing your status. In Part Three, we discuss the meanings of an HIV test result and what to expect depending on the outcome. In Part Four, we o er guidance on how to prioritize your sexual health in a way that’s sex-positive and shame-free. Each part includes a section entitled Know Your Facts— Debunk the Myths, which was created to tackle common misconceptions about HIV and AIDS. Make sure to check them out! Finally, you can find a glossary of key terms and additional resources near the end of the guide.
This guide was produced in partnership with The Human Rights Campaign.
What Do I Do?A handbook to understanding health and HIV. Download this free AIDS United resource.