Following the results of Tuesday’s midterm elections, AIDS United’s president and CEO Jesse Milan Jr., released the following statement:
Regardless of which party is in control of Congress, we know ending the HIV epidemic is an uphill battle. We know what tools are needed to end the HIV epidemic, but we lack the political will to implement them. That is not a partisan problem.
Apathy is the biggest hurdle to achieving the end of the HIV epidemic. Too many people — even members of Congress — think the HIV epidemic is over.
But we know that’s not right. The epidemic rages on, especially among Black and Brown communities, gay and bisexual men, people who use drugs, sex workers and transgender women. People are growing older with HIV and our systems are not prepared.
AIDS United is going to work tirelessly to advocate among both Democrats and Republicans for those policies we know will end this epidemic. HIV has always been a bipartisan issue.
And here’s an important point: Every member of Congress has constituents who are living with or vulnerable to HIV. They need to hear from us loudly and often.
That is how we won so many victories in the early days, and it’s how we will win in the end.
Call your elected officials. Attend their town hall meetings. And show up at their offices in Washington, D.C., with hundreds of HIV advocates at AIDSWatch in March.
I have so much faith in the HIV community. Together, we have done great things, and together we will end the HIV epidemic.